Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So many choices, so little time

I remember watching an episode of the Newlywed Game (if you remember that show, you are probably over 50 because the last episode was in 1974).  Bob Eubanks asked the question:  "How many bottles of shampoo are in your shower?" This started a little dialog between my husband and me

  • "Two bottles, one shampoo and one conditioner." - him
  • "I think we have more than that" - me
  • "I know, we have about 15 and I don't understand why." - him
  • "You have to switch them around.  Some work well for awhile and then they don't, somedays I need smooth hair and somedays hair with more body, and sometimes I like the smell of one, even though it doesn't give the best results etc." - me 
  • "But when I'm in my shower, I can't move." - him

The internet has become a bit like my shower.  I read lots of fantastic posts and I want to try out many of the things I find, so I gather them up.  But sometimes amongst all the clutter,  I can't move. Gradioso life is an attempt to keep my web wonders (and yours) in one place where there's room to move around, using what you need when you need it.

(incidentally, I still have lots of shampoo, I just leave two (or so) in the shower and put the rest under the sink for later - don't tell my husband.)